If you are finding Kingdoms 1212AD to hard here are 3 very good sub mods that work with attila kingdoms 1212AD aswell as vanilla attila.

What? No Mercenaries, Navies and missing building info????
Yep their are no navies available to any faction when playing the campaign. The game is not yet finished by the modders and I dont think they will ever add navies, this makes the game 30% harder than it should be. There are either no or very few mercenary units available for each faction aswell. There is also missing building info for upgrading towns. I know if you upgrade a fort, town or fife the town uses more food. I think -20 for grade 2 and -30 for grade 3. Upgrading always give a few better public order points and +1 for saniation.

Early, high and late Units
In the 14TH and 15TH centuries you get options to create high and late units. The high units are better than the early units you start the game with. They usually have better armour and melee damage. Late units are added automatically in the 15TH century and are better than early and high units. When you get extra units in the 14th and 15th centuries your always best adding them to your armies, they are better soldiers but they do cost more upkeep.

Dominion, Control and Loyalty
Like attila you have more chance of civil revolts and civil wars. You need make sure generals, family members and politicains have high loyalty which ranges from 1 to 10. Always fight battles and have your best army with your king or heir as you get more influence points to spend. You can spend your kings, heirs and family mebers influence points on secuing loyalty or assignating targets. Always try and get family members married and never marry of your family members to other factions. Try not to have any allies or nonegression pacts unless the faction is the holy romain empire or another massive faction (you will keep getting drawn into wars otherwise). You can easily have 0 control and have 10/10 loyalty for every character and never have a civil war. You also need to look out for army integrity, I am unsure of how this works yet as low integrity makes the army splits in half and revolt. To gain control you buy it using influence points. The gain control option is available botton right near the assinate or secure loyalty options on family members.

Food, Public Order, Saniation and Religion...
You can need to keep and eye on all 4 factors above. Forget looking at your top food figure on the game screen and always have excesss food in each town. you can see each towns food by clicking a town and looking in the bottom left coner. Sanitation is shown by red or green image above the buildings browsers - always have excess sanitation. If you are a Catholic Faction you need to build churches in your non Catholic conquered towns and cities and get the public to convert which is shown by a catholic cross on the city or if islam a moon. There are over 5 different religions.
All 3 of these adds up to better public order.

Small Tips

Your first building should always be food, sanitation, churches and public order buildings.

never sack cities or kill prisoners when playing as a catholic faction fighting a catholic faction. the pope does not like it.

if you are east on the map - defeat mongol hordes by fighting them in cities and castles - sometime they have no infantry just horses, so they take ages to enter the city. use archers and spearmen.

on your first go build and destroy buildings to sort out your sanitation, food in that city and religion.

you can tax exempt towns and cities by clicking on the bottom right image and checking the tax or untax box.

getting 10 building slots
always do this is if using a windows pc it unlocks more building slots which could be more money producing buidlings.

getting good soldiers early - there is a tier 2 church/religious building that gives you access to religious foot knights and some heavy cavalry.

latin empire and possibly all orthodox catholic nations have no sanitation buildings except churches.

if you build a buildng to decrease soldier costs you also get more solider options - even though it does not say. forts also add better soldiers.

Game crashing
on two factions i have played with the game will not load my recent save and closes the game on the loading screen - this is due to an update in steam - you will have to start the game again if this happens. it also crashes not due to an update - for instance i mine crashes at the end of end turn when a revolt army attacked a city. i loaded an older save and defeated the army before it got to the city and it never crashed after that. sometimes it may crhash on end turn due to some diplomacy, start an older save and change the outcome of the diplomacy.

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